My run last night was fairly uneventful. I had another 2 miles scheduled so I headed out to the trails by my house. It has been raining pretty much all week but last night there was a little clearing of the clouds so I thought an outdoor run would be nice. The two miles went fairly quick (well, 28 minutes is a quick two miles for me :)) and I had no moose road blocks to worry about. My shins still got pretty sore but I am hoping that will get better as a build my base back up.
This eating plan has been kind of difficult. The "what" is not so bad- I like veggies and fruit and am slowly getting the meat and dairy out of my regular diet- it's the "quantity" that is killing me. The plan has me working up to eating a pound of raw veggies a day (I can also have unlimited amounts of fruit, beans, and legumes...yum :)). It is very difficult, at least for me, to eat at least a pound of veggies a day. I realize that this is something to built up to, and I'm trying to remember that everyday, but it's still a bit overwhelming. On the positive side I have lost two pounds in just three days and I really do enjoy what I'm eating if not hitting the right quantity.
oh I swear by the up!
Do they have to be raw because of what fat could be added from cooking? I love steamed veggies.
thanks for posting my giveaway!
the goal is to aim for 1 pound raw and 1 pound cooked along with 4-5 servings of fruit and as many beans/legumes as you want. Kind of a lot of food :)
Wow, that sounds challenging. I love veggies but a pound sounds like a lot! Keep us posted on your successes!
maybe I missed it what is the plan you are following, sounds interesting!
The plan is based on the "eat for life" book by Dr. Furhman. It stresses a plant based diet with very little to no animal products
Nice job on the two miler:) I love veggies and eat alot of them but I am not sure my tummy could handle a pound a day! Keep up the awesome work!
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