I have been gone from bloggy land for awhile and have really missed it. I was pretty disappointed in myself for not being able to keep on task with my running and since I had wanted this blog to be about my journey into running I slacked off on it as well. I guess I just let the excuses get the better of me :). I am hoping that I am back- I have started a base building plan again (posted on my fridge door with a current and past photo to keep me motivated) and I am currently into week 2. I am hopeful that I am back both with running and blogging.
I have a run/walk planned for today after work (the absolute hardest time for me to motivate myself to workout- especially on a Friday) but I think that after putting it in writing here it will be harder for me to back out :). I am trying to find a 5K early in 2011 to sign up for as a reachable goal but, living in AK, it is difficult so I am hoping someone might put on a virtual race (or who knows, mayabe I'll put one on myself).
Happy Friday!
hola on the logo, it looks like you are missing < in front of that first a
and of course welcome back to running and blogging!!
Hello!!! Happy running!
Welcome back!
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