Monday, April 26, 2010

Injury galore

I look at my last post and think about how lucky I would be to have shin splints right now.  You see, last night while doing laundry, something I've done at least twice a week for 2 1/2 years, I stepped down wrong and twisted my ankle.  The rest of yesterday and all of today has been spent laying in pretty much just one position with my foot propped up chillin' under a bag of ice.  I honestly can't believe that I am laid up like this from doing something as normal and mundane as laundry.  I am pretty bummed about it.  Even with the looming threat of shin splints I still felt pretty good about my running and exercise and now here I am not being able to run for at least two weeks.  I guess it could've been a worse injury but it's still a bummer.  On the bright side my right, non-injured, leg is getting a lot of work in and every time I need to go up stairs my triceps get a great workout- I guess that's something :).  Here's to a speedy recovery :)!

I did want to mention that Racing with Babies blogger TMB is having a giveaway for a great necklace from Tarma Designs.  Please check it out HERE to find out how to enter and win :)!


Genesis said...

theres always a bright side to everything! sorry bout the ankle! hoping for a quick recovery for you.

Molly said...

ouch, feel better soon! Love your new blog layout!

Jenn said...

Ouch! Thanks for the comment on my blog! Hope you feel better soon!

Stormee.M said...

Oh that stinks. Glad you see the upside :) Hang in there

funderson said...

Bummer! Heal fast!

RunToTheFinish said...

Man that is a bugger! the good news is usually that will heal pretty quickly!